Task 3

Overcoming The Problem Of  Hatred 

 Muhammad Ali faced many issues, problems and enemies during his lifetime. Most of these issues stem from a misunderstanding that forms a hatred that destroys and dehumanize others to the point that some people did not even treat him as a human. He overcame each hurdle through his life with bravery and it managed to become a trademark of his to do some actions that was considered controversial. One of the ways that he overcome this problem is through changing his original name "Cassius Clay" to "Muhammad Ali" as a symbol to be more equal as he considered his original name as his 'slave name'.

Muhammad Ali showing his name in a paper

 Later in life, during the Vietnam War, Muhammad Ali joined and advocates for the anti-war movement. He campaigned and gave speeches about peace and equality in universities all around the United States.

Muhammad Ali holding a peace sign

 Decades later, after he retired from boxing, he went on humanitarian missions that helps those who are in need such as he participated in humanitarian missions in Afghanistan and North Korea, delivered desperately needed medical supplies to an embargoed Cuba, travelled to Iraq and helped secure the release of 15 American hostages, and, after Nelson Mandela's release, made a humanitarian trip to South Africa. Muhammad has made advancing the concerns of the developing countries a top priority in his life. He has helped feed the hungry around the world more than 232 million meals. He has hand-delivered food and medical supplies across continents to indigent locations like Sister Beltran's orphanage for Liberian refugees in the Ivory Coast, the Harapan Kita Hospital for Children in Jakarta, Indonesia, and the country's street children.

Muhammad Ali on a humanitarian mission

Muhammad Ali's contribution and ways to overcome the problem has many benefits yet they do have a few problems of their own. Thus, below is a T-chart about the pros and cons of how he tried to solve the problems that he faced.

T-chart about how Muhammad Ali overcame his problems:




Help those who have unfortunate experiences such as flood victims, war orphans and refugees

Expose people to the brutality of war so that the broad public would be more aware of the true nature of war

Gains more attention to a deep rooted problem and forces the arrogant privileged to acknowledge their wrongdoings

High cost as he often goes to different countries to help out those in need

Long campaigns that lasts for months that only bear fruit far too late (when too many innocents die)

Creates a lot of enemies(mostly those who have a discriminatory way of thinking)

Muhammad Ali's method about overcoming his problem has many benefits, yet it also contains some cons that some might not considered. A major issue about his methods is that it counter intuitively creates more enemies than it did allies. When he changed his name from "Cassius Clay" to "Muhammad Ali" he made many enemies to the point that people did not even acknowledge his name and keep insisting that his name is "Cassius Clay". When he did not joined the United State Army, he became an incredibly hated man, receiving death threats and getting banned from boxing for three years.

 Our group had been discussing on a way to overcome this major issue that Muhammad Ali faced when he gained a lot of enemies. We thought of three ways to overcome this issue of creating enemies. These three ways are ;

  1. To acknowledge, tolerate and respect other religious views and customs despite it not being the norm of a community. This method would allow for a more peaceful society that understands each other as they would be more empathic to everyone.

  2. Advocate for a more just environment that does not discriminate others ( treat others as equals despite the differences in background). This would mean holding campaigns, events and change racially discriminatory laws that would make the lives of people more equal.

  3. Teach those whom are ignorant of other races about other races. This basically means to befriend and teach others about our own customs, whilst learning about their cultures.

 Out of all the methods, the most logical, probable and effective one that we chose is the third one which is to teach those whom are ignorant to be less ignorant. Below is a SWOT table about this method:



It creates an understanding between different races, communities and religion

It is an incredibly time consuming and hard method that might not work



Create a rally, talk to an ignorant person, join a religious event held by different religions to learn more about them whilst teaching them about your own customs

People who don’t want to listen to reason, intolerance

Below is a video about our discussion on the topic :


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