Welcome to this blog, this blog is made by a group of 6 students that intends to explain the life of Muhammad Ali, arguably the greatest boxer of all time. This blog intends to explain his life, the hardships he went through, the contribution that he had laid down for our generation and his view of life.

 Muhammad Ali was a staple in the sport of boxing and is often known as the best heavyweight boxer of all time. His legendary status has made his name a legend in the sports and his influence has garner and inspire millions to follow in his foot steps. Although he is mostly popular for his boxing prowess, a less known side of Muhammad Ali is less known to the public. The Muhammad Ali that was a civil rights activists that advocates for religious freedom and to bring justice to African Americans for the unfair treatment that they received.

Muhammad Ali's career as a boxer, an ambassador of peace and an activist caused many uproars and controversies during the 1960s. This was a time where racism and prejudice was the norm and minorities such as Muslims, Asians and African Americans were openly dicriminated with little concern for their wellbeing.

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